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Funding Sources

Departmental Funding

These funds are primarily used for annual programmatic operation of a particular department; however, budget managers can spend their departmental funds on specific minor facility improvements, if necessary. ”Minor improvements” include furniture, paint, picture hanging, department-specific lamp replacement, shelving, architectural signage, whiteboards and bulletin boards. A good rule of thumb to lessen the impact on programmatic needs is to spend no more than an accumulated $2,000 for minor facility improvements in a given fiscal year. These requests for minor improvements can be made via work order request in School Dude. Types of more expensive work not on this list may be allowed on a case-by-case basis with approval of the appropriate area vice president.

Departments can also request facility work which may qualify as a stewardship project to the facilities services office. See definition below.

Improvements such as remodels or new construction that don't qualify for stewardship funds must be vetted through the appropriate channels, i.e. supervisors, area VPs, etc. before a request is made for estimated costs from the facilities services office; it must then be requested by the area’s vice president to the vice president of finance and administration for prioritization by the cabinet for university improvement funding.

O&M Funding

These funds are used for general maintenance or consumables such as energy bills, equipment replacement, service contracts and normal repair of fixtures including toilets, faucets, carpets, lights, etc. These funds are managed by the facilities services office, and they underwrite the majority of campus work order requests.

Stewardship Funding

These funds are used for deferred maintenance projects and code compliance issues. These funds are managed by the facilities services office. Projects are generally determined using our VFA Facility Condition Assessment Database, which anticipates upcoming renewal and replacement needs, or by recommendation of technical experts. Examples of qualified stewardship projects are failing roofs, floors, HVAC systems, electrical systems, etc.

UIF Funding

These funds are generated from the previous year’s budget underspend; they are flexible and can be used for deferred maintenance, new construction, remodels, new equipment and vehicles, or new academic, student life or institutional initiatives. This funding is managed by the finance and administration area and final usage decisions are vetted by the cabinet and the president.

Repair & Replacement Funds

These funds support major building systems and structural repairs that exceed stewardship funding capacity. These funds originate in dollars set aside during construction of a facility for just such a purpose; the current rule is 5 percent of new-construction cost. This funding is managed by finance and administration with oversight from the Building, Grounds, and Technology Committee of the board of trustees.

Bond Funds

These funds are the result of long-term financial liability for the university and are usually attached to large infrastructure projects that have at least a 30-year asset life. These funds are managed by finance and administration.


If a project is funded by a gift, we will work closely with institutional advancement and the business office. Projects funded with gifts affecting the look and feel of the campus should be vetted through the Facilities Planning Committee.

Project Requests

Each year, the facilities services office will call for summer project requests (i.e. improvements, remodeling, and new construction) from the general campus. This call is posted on Pirate Port in February, with input from departments due to the facilities services office by 15 March. The type and scope of work required will determine the level of approval needed to be considered for funding. See specific funding sources for approval requirements. Project requests received after March 15 will likely be deferred until the next summer. Departments may initiate requests for projects by filling out a Project Request Form.