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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Whitworth Housing Office determine where students are placed, and who is placed in an "extra-person" space?

The housing office places a student in his or her residence hall and room based on the submission date of the housing form. "Extra-person" room assignments follow the same pattern when possible, but another significant variable also enters in; rooms are used for an extra resident based on the size and configuration of the room. We use only rooms that can accommodate another person. So submission date is not the whole story.

How are students in overflow compensated?

Each student affected by having an extra resident in his or her room (e.g. three people in a traditionally two-person room) will receive $35 per week while the overflow situation continues. The credit is applied to the student's account by financial aid at the end of the semester or whenever his/her overflow situation is resolved, whichever comes first.

How should students pack?

It is always a good idea to bring less rather than more. Particularly if there is an additional person in your room, your living area will be much more comfortable if each student packs light. You may be able to bring more after you settle in. Many students find that with creative room set-ups, they are eventually able to bring most of what they would like to have in their rooms.

What furniture is supplied for students in "extra resident" rooms?

Rooms with an additional resident will receive extra furniture. Whitworth will bunk the beds, provide a loft kit for the third bed, and supply an additional dresser, desk and hutch. The university's aim is to create rooms that are both comfortable and fully functional for students living in them.

How does the housing office decide who moves out of a room with an extra resident?

Once the school year begins, residence halls openings are offered to students living in "extra resident" rooms; rooms in a resident’s current building are offered first. Offers are then made for rooms in other buildings, in order of earliest housing form submission date. All residents of a room are given equal say in whether they would like to move. If more than one person wants to take advantage of the new opening, the opening goes to the student with the earliest housing application submission date. If no one wants to move to the new space –which often happens, because roommates have grown fond of each other — the housing office offers the opening to the next group.

Keep in mind the following: If an opening arises in the same building and no one accepts the opening, the $35/week overflow credit stops accumulating. However, if the opening is in another building and the offer to move is declined, the residents will continue to accrue the overflow credit.

What are my chances of moving out of an "extra resident" room?

The housing office has been working very hard to ensure that we are moving students out of overflow areas as quickly as possible. We move students based on the submission date of their housing preference form. However, other factors must also be considered, such as the size of the room, the suitability of the dorm for housing extra students, and whether the opening is a good match between roommates.