Student Portfolio Suggestions
In order to help our majors think about what might make getting into graduate school easier, or might make job hunting more successful, we offer these suggestions for developing a portfolio of your work. We will use this guide more intentionally in our advising, but we encourage each student to take responsibility for his or her overall portfolio. The department is not requiring this for graduation, but strongly recommends that advisors and students work together for its implementation. Students, please feel free to suggest other items that should be included.
- Résumé or vitae (senior)
Highlights coursework and applicable skills
Work experience
*Activity: find an employment opportunity online or in the newspaper; craft a résumé and cover letter; if possible, submit the application
*Department provides a session for how to create résumés and cover letters (perhaps as part of the capstone or other course) - Writing samples (junior, senior)
Research paper (graduate students)
Academic conference quality
Teachers – curriculum unit - Reference list with current information (senior)
Professors and employers who can speak to your abilities
Prepare lists with experience and courses for professors/employers to comment on - Conference presentation (junior, senior)
Undergraduate conference at Whitworth
Other conference - Internship/work experience/service experience (sophomore, junior, senior)
Showcase skills, build network of references
Off-campus, if possible - Job searching resources (first-year, sophomore, junior)
Research possible careers – what degree needed, further education, experience, skills - Statement of career goals/objectives/vocation (junior, senior)
One page reflection or personal statement (graduate students especially) - Participate in mock interviews (senior)
*Perhaps as part of senior capstone in conjunction with résumé and cover letter writing