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What to Expect

Email Notification

These emails contain important information including what possible violations will be discussed, meeting time and location, and what your student rights are. The subject line will include "correspondence for case #__."

Conduct Meeting

Conduct meetings are usually less scary than you think. The purpose of these meeting is to figure out what happened, why it happened and how it can be resolved.

Were you found responsible?

After the meeting you will receive a hearing outcome letter. This will cover case findings and sanctions.

Even if found not responsible, you may still have assigned sanctions such as a warning. Once these are completed (or if none are assigned) the case will be closed.
The outcome letter will have details on case findings, required sanctions, due dates and instructions on how to request a review.
Students are allowed to request a review of the hearing within five days or receiving a conduct outcome letter.

Case Closed

Once all sanctions are completed and approved by student conduct the case will be closed and no further action will be needed.
If you do not complete your sanctions, a hold will be placed on your student account. This may result in restriction from classes.