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Beeksma Family Theology Center

Young Life at Whitworth

Whitworth University and Young Life share a long and rich history. As a Christian liberal arts university, Whitworth provides a dynamic learning environment where the integration of faith and learning is central to the institutional mission to "honor God, follow Christ and serve humanity."

A unique partnership with Young Life enables Whitworth to offer students in-depth training and development in youth ministry as well as opportunities to serve in a variety of ministries in the region. Young Life and Whitworth have worked together for nearly 70 years and have enjoyed a formal partnership since 1991. The program is led by Kent McDonald, regional trainer for Young Life and lecturer in practical theology at Whitworth.

Students who are admitted to Whitworth and indicate on their enrollment application that they are interested in participating in Young Life at Whitworth will be directed to an online scholarship application. The priority deadline for completing the application is Feb. 1. Students selected to receive the Whitworth Young Life Leadership Scholarship will be notified by letter and the scholarship will be added to their Whitworth financial aid award.Young Life logo.

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Beeksma Family Theology Center