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Published Work

Scholarly works published by Whitworth faculty supported in part with funding from the Weyerhaeuser Center for Christian Faith & Learning at Whitworth University.

Books or Edited Volumes

  • Andrews, Charles. Writing Against War: Literature, Activism, and the British Peace Movement. Edited by Phyllis Lassner. Cultural Expressions of World War II. Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 2017.
  • Beebe, Keith Edward, editor. The McCulloch Examinations of the Cambuslang Revival (1742), A Critical Edition: Conversion Narratives from the Scottish Evangelical Awakening. Glasgow: Scottish History Society; Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer, 2013.
  • Beebe, Keith Edward. Co-Author, "Whitefield and the 'Celtic' Revivals," Geordan Hammond and David Ceri Jones, eds., George Whitefield: Life, Context, Legacy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • Burns, J. S. "Christian Leadership on the Sea of Complexity: Emerging Understandings of Management, Leadership, and Organizations." InOrganizational Leadership: Foundations and Practices for Christians, edited by J.S. Burns, John R. Shoup, Donald C. Simmons Jr., Downers Grove IL: InterVarsity Press, 2014.
  • Clark, Anthony. Heaven in Conflict: Franciscans and the Boxer Uprising in Shanxi. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2015.
  • Edwards, James. Is Jesus the Only Savior?. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2005. (named Book of the Year--2006 in apologetics by Christianity Today).
  • Edwards, James. The Hebrew Gospel and the Development of the Synoptic Tradition. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2009.
  • Hunt, James. Restless Fires: Young John Muir's Thousand-Mile Walk to the Gulf in 1867-68. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press, 2012.
  • Killian, Mark. Religious Vitality in Christian Intentional Communities: A Comparative Ethnographic Study. Ethnographies in Religion Series. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017.
  • Kynes, Will. An Obituary for "Wisdom Literature": The Birth, Death, and Intertextual Reintegration of a Biblical Corpus. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
  • Kynes, Will and Katharine Dell editors. Reading Proverbs Intertextually. Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 629. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018.
  • Kynes, Will. "Wisdom Defined in Narration and Intertextual Networks: Proverbs and 1 Kings 1–11." In Reading Proverbs Intertextually, edited by Katharine Dell and Will Kynes. Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 629. London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2018.
  • Lamon, Laurie. The Fork Without Hunger. Fort Lee, NJ: CavanKerry Press, 2005.
  • Lamon, Laurie. Without Wings. Fort Lee, NJ: CavanKerry Press, 2009.
  • Migliazzo, Arlin. To Make This Land Our Own: Community, Identity, and Cultural Adaptation in Purrysburg Township, South Carolina1732-1865. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press, 2007.
  • McPherson, James. The Conservative Resurgence and the Press: The Media's Role in the Rise of the Right. Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 2008.
  • Moo, Jonathan. "The Biblical Basis for Creation Care". Pages 28-42 in Creation Care and the Gospel. Vol. 1 of the Lausanne series on Mission in the 21st Century. Edited by Colin Bell and Robert S. White. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 2016.
  • Moo, Jonathan. 'Call to Action'. Co-authored with Dave Bookless and Lowell Bliss. Pages 7-14 in Creation Care and the Gospel. Vol. 1 of the Lausanne series on Mission in the 21st Century. Edited by Colin Bell and Robert S. White. Peabody, Mass.: Hendrickson, 2016.
  • Moo, Jonathan. Creation Care: A Biblical Theology of the Natural World. Co-authored with Douglas J. Moo. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2018.
  • Moo, Jonathan, and Robert S. White. Let Creation Rejoice: Biblical Hope and Ecological Crisis. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2014. (Published in the UK as Hope in an Age of Despair: the Gospel and the Future of Life on Earth. Nottingham, England: Inter-Varsity, 2013.)
  • Sittser, Gerald. Water from a Deep Well: Christian Spirituality from Early Martyrs to Modern Missionaries. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2007.
  • Slack, Corliss. Historical Dictionary of the Crusades. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2013.

Chapters in Books and Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  • Andrews, Charles. "Pledging Peace in Aldous Huxley's Eyeless in Gaza." The Space Between: Literature and Culture, 1914-1945 8.1 (2012): 104-125.
  • Andrews, Charles. "Conflicted Visions: Troubles Cinema, Political Myths, and Steve McQueen's Hunger." The Cresset 77.6 (2014): 17-25.
  • Bruininks, Patricia. "The Unique Psychology of Hope." In Art, Imagination and Christian Hope: Patterns of Promise, edited by Jeremy Begbie, Trevor Hart, and Gavin Hopps, 115-128. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing, 2012.
  • Burns, J. S. "Emerging Paradigm: Leadership in Complex Adaptive Systems."In Leadership: The Key Concepts, edited by Antonio Marturano, and Jonathan Gosling, 22-25. London: Routledge, 2008.
  • Burns, J.S. "Chaos Theory and Leadership Studies: Exploring Uncharted Seas." Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. Vol. 9 (2002): 42-57.
  • Edwards. James. "The Gospel of the Ebionites and the Gospel of Luke." New Testament Studies 48/4 (2002): 568-86.
  • Heller, Karin. "Martin Luther on Marriage: His Teachings and Experience." Anthropotes. Rivista di Studi sulla persona e la famigla 1 (2006): 181-204.
  • Heller, Karin. "L'ordination des femmes à l'épreuve d'une théologie de l'agape. Où en sont les Eglises protestantes des Etats-Unis d'Amérique?" Revue Théologique de Louvain Vol. 41. N° 3 (juillet-septembre 2011): 313-464; (Spanish version) "La ordenación de las mujeres a prueda de una teología de agapé en las iglesias protestantes de los Estados Unidos. Selecciones de Teologia." Vol. 50, n° 198, 105-123.
  • Heller, Karin. "I fraintendimenti della tolleranza e la via della misericordia." In La Misericordia, verità pastorale. A cura di Perez-Soba Juan Josè, edizioni Cantagalli, 157-178, 2014.
  • Lamon, Laurie. "The History of Candy." Mary: A Journal of New Writing (Oct. 2014).
  • Lamon, Laurie. "I'm Going to Bed When You Go to Bed." Valparaiso Poetry Review XV (2014).
  • Mikkelson, Alan C. And Hesse, C. "Discussions of religion and relational messages: Differences between comfortable and uncomfortable interactions." Southern Communication Journal 74 (2009): 40-56.
  • Moo, Jonathan. "Climate change and the apocalyptic imagination: Science, faith and ecological responsibility." Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 50 (2015): 937-48.
  • Moo, Jonathan. "Environmental Apocalypse and Christian Hope." Ethics in Brief 17.1 (2011). Co-authored with Robert S. White. Reprinted inBioethics Research Notes 23 (2011): 37- 40.
  • Moo, Jonathan. "New Testament Hope and a Christian Environmental Ethos." In As Long as the Earth Endures: the Bible, Creation and the Environment, edited by Jonathan Moo and Robin Routledge, 146-68. Nottingham, England: Apollos, 2014.
  • Moo, Jonathan. "Introduction." Co-authored with Robin Routledge. In As Long as the Earth Endures: the Bible, Creation and the Environment, edited by Jonathan Moo and Robin Routledge, 13-31. Nottingham, England: Apollos, 2014.
  • Neder, Adam. "The Sun Behind the Clouds: Some Barthian Thoughts about Teaching Christian Theology." In Karl Barth and Evangelical Theology: A Fifty-Year Perspective, edited by Bruce McCormack and Clifford Anderson, 222-235. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2015.
  • Parker, Pamela Corpron. "Woman of Letters: Elizabeth Gaskell's Autograph Collection." In Material Women: Consuming Desires and Collecting Practices, edited by Beth Fawkes Tobin and Maureen Daly Goggin. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2010.
  • Parker, Pamela Corpron. "Elizabeth Gaskell, Women Writers, and Literary Tourism." In Literary Tourism and Nineteenth-Century Culture,edited by Nicola Watson. London: Palgrave, 2009.
  • Schrambach, Bendi Benson. "Narrative, Genre & Community in Marguerite de Navarre's L'Heptaméron & Baudelaire's Le Spleen de Paris."The French Review (April 2008): 930-943.
  • Sittser, Gerald. "Protestant Missionary Biography as Written Icon." Christian Scholars Review (Spring 2007): 303-322.
  • Westre, Kirk R. "Servant Leadership in Sport." International Journal of Servant-Leadership Volume 4, Issue 1 (2008): 129-139.
  • Westre, Kirk R., and Hammermeister, J.J., Burton, D., Pickering, M., Baldwin, N., and Chase, M. "Servant leadership in sport: a concept whose time has arrived." International Journal of Servant-Leadership Volume 4, Issue 1 (2008): 185-215.