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Goal 1: Innovation & Learning

Whitworth will cultivate innovative programs and practices grounded in our Christ-centered mission.

Objective 1.1 – Foster a culture of data-informed processes in a way that equips academic leaders to make strategic decisions based on clear metrics, so that we achieve return on investment and return on mission for the programs we choose to support and create.

Objective 1.2 – Strengthen partnerships between Whitworth's five academic units (College of Arts & Sciences and the schools of continuing studies, education, business and health sciences) in a way that optimizes shared resources and eliminates redundancies, so that collaboration becomes a key indicator when exploring the viability of new programs.

Objective 1.3 – Implement non-credit-bearing educational programs in a way that reaches new audiences, creates meaningful connections for continued alumni involvement, and generates revenue streams, so that Whitworth establishes itself as a regional leader in adult education and professional development programming.

Objective 1.4 – Establish leadership and resources to develop and grow online programs across campus, so that our online offerings provide a Whitworth experience that is consistent with our reputation for providing a relational and rigorous educational experience.

Objective 1.5 – Grow integrated programming that serves the greatest societal needs in a way that amplifies our educational goals including our commitment to faith-learning integration and diversity, equity and inclusion, so that Whitworth remains a desirable choice for students who value becoming better equipped to serve humanity.

Objective 1.6 – Establish an innovation office to facilitate collaborative university-industry partnerships and research in a way that aligns with Whitworth's mission and builds a culture of innovation. This includes incentives to generate, develop and support existing and new intellectual property (such as patents, trademarks, copyrights) and collaborative university-industry development projects, so that faculty have increased opportunities for collaboration and scholarship, and students gain meaningful experiences.

As the strategic plan is executed, goal objectives will be updated with measurements presented in the form of key performance indicators (KPIs) or key performance results (KPRs). These indicators enable Whitworth's cabinet and University Council to monitor progress toward achieving objectives.