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In addition to the general university policies outlined in the university's student handbook and academic catalog, the following policies apply specifically to students attending courses within the School of Continuing Studies, including all degrees and certificates, whether credit-bearing or not.

Add/Drop Policy*

If a student needs to add or drop a course after registration, it is requested that they notify the SCS office via their advisor or the front desk ( or 509.777.3222). The tuition refund policy is tied to the registrar’s office academic calendar for accelerated-format courses.

Depending on the nature of the credit(s) being dropped, students may be asked to complete a hiatus or withdrawal form. In these scenarios, an email request is insufficient for removal from courses and the student holds responsibility for appropriate paperwork.

Add/Drop Policy for One-Week Modules
Typically for a six-, nine-, or 12-week module, the course will begin and students have a 100% tuition refund period.

  • For one-week module courses, typically referred to as “workshops,” a student must drop prior to the course beginning for a 100% tuition refund. Students who contact the School of Continuing Studies and withdraw by 4 p.m. the day prior to the first day of class will be dropped from the class and receive a full refund.
  • Students who do not contact the School of Continuing Studies and withdraw by 4 p.m. the day prior to the first day of class and do not attend will receive a grade of "NS" and receive a 0% tuition refund.

*Given the nature of adding and dropping credits in a credit-based tuition program, each addition and deduction of credits in a semester will likely result in financial aid adjustments. Students must consult with their program advisor and financial aid counselor for information and be aware that once a semester begins, financial aid will change with credit adjustments.

Attendance Modality Selection

Students will select their preference to attend in person or online at the time of course registration. Students may change the preferred attendance modality from course to course; however, once a course begins students must complete that course in the selected attendance modality.

Attendance Policies for Accelerated-Format Courses

Expectations for all students, regardless of learning modality, are the same. The expectation is that students will attend every synchronous class meeting in the modality in which they are enrolled. If you have an irresolvable conflict, please communicate with the instructor prior to class.

  • Students who miss 20% or more of total class time should anticipate up to a full grade deduction from their final grade for the course (e.g., A- becomes B-).
  • Students who miss one class session may not necessarily face a final grade deduction, but can expect to miss points on in-class activities occurring during the missed class session. Please note that 8-hour Saturday classes equate to two class sessions.
    Additional absences are assumed to have an impact on their final grade. The instructor decides the actual grade impact and the final decision may consider the circumstances of the absence and the overall performance of the student.
  • Students who miss approximately one-third of total class time should contact their academic advisor immediately to withdraw from the course.

Fully remote students will join class online via a videoconferencing platform on the days there are in-person class meetings. Students are expected to attend and participate for the entirety of each class meeting, with their cameras on.

Attendance for One-Week Module Courses
Due to the limited class meeting time for each one-week module course, typically referred to as “workshops,” students who miss a class session, or a significant portion of a class session, will receive an "NS" grade for the course.

Continuing Studies Policy for Remote Participation

Students should plan on joining class from a laptop or computer (not a mobile phone) with a camera, microphone, and strong internet connection. In order to provide the best synchronous learning environment for all, we expect students who are participating remotely to minimize potential distractions before class begins. This includes distracting backgrounds, noises or camera movement. The setting from which students join class remotely should be quiet and private, ensuring that other individuals cannot overhear classroom conversations. If a private location cannot be found, then students should use head phones.

As a general rule, follow the expectations of an in-person classroom by arriving on time, being prepared for learning, sharing airtime, and maintaining professional appearance and demeanor. The same School of Continuing Studies attendance expectations that apply to in-person students also apply to remote students, including abstinence from alcohol, marijuana and tobacco products.

Continuing Studies Policy for Children in the Classroom

In order to provide the best classroom learning environment for all students, children may not attend any Whitworth class. For students attending class remotely, this means ensuring children are not on-screen or requiring attention from the student during class. If students have unique situations, they should consult with the instructor to consider the best solutions for student learning and a distraction-free learning environment. For in-person students, no child may, under any circumstances, be left unattended in a university building while a parent is attending class. Safety is our main concern; we cannot ensure a child's safety when they are left unattended.

Book Charges for Tuition-Remission Recipients

Students in the School of Continuing Studies who receive tuition remission benefits are charged for their course textbooks and course materials.

  • Students will be charged the annual subscription fee for their Cengage Unlimited access (approximately $200) once per year, beginning immediately upon their first access to Cengage materials. If the student does not utilize Cengage materials (e.g., TCP-cohort-only), they will not be charged annually.
  • Non-Cengage course materials will be purchased, charged, and delivered by the SCS office on a session-by-session basis. These materials include books from other textbook publishers, Amazon Kindle books, art supplies, cameras and more.

If a student would like to independently purchase their own non-Cengage materials with no charges from the university, they should put in a request to the SCS office at

Book Distribution

Students will receive access to electronic books for their courses either through Cengage Unlimited or Amazon Kindle at the start of the session.

  • Cengage: Cengage Unlimited is a subscription service for Whitworth SCS students to access a library of electronic books. Textbook links are found in Blackboard courses. Students may rent or purchase physical copies of their books through Cengage for an additional fee.
  • Amazon Kindle: If a book is not available through Cengage, then you will receive an email from the SCS office at the start of the session with your e-book links via Amazon Kindle.
  • Physical Course Materials: Physical course materials may be provided for select courses (e.g., paint for the watercolor course) and distributed at the start of the session.

Book Returns for Dropped Courses

If the student drops the course during the 100% tuition refund period and they have accessed the book(s), they will be charged the cost for the book(s). If a course is dropped after the 100% tuition refund deadline, all materials are the students to keep at no charge.

"Doubling Up" Policy

The School of Continuing Studies program is designed for students to take one 3-credit course in a six-week session. For various reasons, students may add 1 or 2 additional credits throughout or between sessions or may enroll in an additional 3-credit course in a 12-week session. Sometimes students may want to "double up” in credits – taking two 3-credit courses in the same six-week session. Students must have earned a GPA of 3.5 or higher in their previous three sessions to be eligible to "double up” in credits. Exceptions may be awarded given written approval from a School of Continuing Studies representative. Credit enrollment rules as outlined by the registrar's office must also be followed.

Incomplete Grades

If a student receives an Incomplete grade, it is their responsibility to work with the instructor to complete any remaining course requirements. Incomplete grades must be resolved within six weeks of the original Incomplete grade assignment. Extensions may be awarded on a case-by-case basis.

No-Show Policy

Students who do not show up for their first evening class session will be marked absent and the School of Continuing Studies team will attempt to contact them via phone and email. If students are not responsive by the Friday of the first week of a session, the SCS team will initiate the walkaway process via the registrar’s office. Failure to attend and respond will result in withdrawal from the university in an effort to protect the student from losing funds.

Online Asynchronous Participation

Students are expected to engage in online asynchronous modules, as well as synchronous class sessions. To demonstrate online engagement, students must actively participate in all online discussions, learning activities and assignments.