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Hazardous Waste Management Program

Whitworth University is committed to hazardous-waste-management practices that demonstrate faithful stewardship of God's creation and preserve our environment for future generations. This commitment is derived from Genesis 1:26.

Hazardous waste may be generated from laboratory operations, facilities operations and maintenance, construction and renovation activities, and a variety of other activities at the university. Hazardous waste is a particular class of "solid" waste (which includes solid, liquid, or gaseous material), which, if improperly managed, poses a substantial threat or potential hazard to human health and the environment. Typical hazardous wastes generated at Whitworth University include, but are not limited to, spent solvents, waste laboratory chemicals, waste paints and waste oil.

Hazardous waste is subject to a complex regulatory scheme to ensure that uniform and consistent waste identification, storage and disposal procedures are followed by persons trained in the proper management of these substances. Whitworth has developed the following hazardous-waste-management program to ensure that these requirements are met. Individuals and departments that generate waste should review the hazardous-waste-management program as well as the applicable standard operating procedures. Whitworth's hazardous waste and academic safety manager is available for consultation to ensure that all hazardous waste is handled in accordance with the program.


Standard Operating Procedures

Reference Documents