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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Early Alert?
An Early Alert is a proactive way to alert the Student Success Team to possible student concerns. There are two types of Early Alerts: one is for academic concerns, and one is for worrisome or threatening behavior. Submissions help the Student Success Team reach out to students with appropriate resources in a timely manner.

Who can submit an Early Alert?
Students, staff and faculty.

What qualifies as a reason to submit an Early Alert?
We encourage people to submit an Early Alert when someone needs support beyond what you can offer. We also encourage people to err on the side of over-communicating through Early Alerts; it’s possible our team already has information regarding a student’s well-being, and the information you have can help form a more complete picture of what the student needs and how we can best support them.

What if the situation is an emergency?
In any emergency, even on campus, 911 should be your first call. Non-emergency campus security matters should be reported to the Whitworth Security Office at 509.777.4444. We encourage campus community members to submit an Early Alert after emergency or security personnel have been notified; this allows us to follow up with the student to provide care after the incident.

Will I be contacted?
When submitting an Early Alert you can indicate the level of contact and follow-up with which you're comfortable. You can choose to be involved directly with the person or to report the situation anonymously.

How can I help? 
Remember that Pirates keep an eye out for each other! We believe every member of our community shares responsibility for helping students thrive. When appropriate, student success frequently provides support to the student of concern via the person who submitted the Early Alert. Working through existing relationships is part of what makes this program successful 

Submit an Early Alert