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Success Coaching

We are not offering success coaching during the summer months; however, one of our professional staff members would be happy to connect with you and learn how we can be of support. Please email to schedule an appointment. Thank you! 

Who are success coaches?

Success coaches are people who care about your journey at Whitworth and are ready to help you achieve your goals. Most often our success coaches are undergraduate student leaders, but on occasion, we have a Whitworth staff member or graduate student serving as a success coach. Our success coaches are academically sound and intuitive when it comes to relationships. They have skills to share, but most importantly they want to get to know you and support your pursuit of your goals.

Is success coaching like tutoring?

While tutoring helps participants grasp the fundamentals of a certain academic subject, success coaching is much broader in scope. Success coaches can help you explore strategies and develop skills that change the way you approach your academics. Some examples include time management, studying, note taking and organization.

Who works with success coaches?

Our success coach program is for full-time, undergraduate day students at Whitworth University.

For how long and how often would I meet with a coach?

Students can sign up for success coaching at any point in the semester, though we recommend signing up toward the beginning of the semester as availability may be limited. Success coaching generally lasts until the end of the semester in which it begins. We recommend students meet with a success coach for 30 minutes each week, though in some cases this may look different. 

What would I need to bring to meetings?

The most important thing is to come prepared to have a productive conversation with your success coach. Sometimes this means bringing a planner, syllabus, a writing utensil or assignment prompts – you and your success coach will figure out what is needed. Above all else, come prepared with a sense of what you hope to accomplish in the meeting and an idea of how you are tracking with your weekly or semester goals.

Does success coaching help students improve their grades?

Our assessment indicates that students who meet regularly with their success coach throughout a semester often improve their term GPA by between 0.6 and 1 point (over half to a full letter grade!).

Are success coaches mandated reporters?

Yes. While your success coach can keep what you share private (meaning they won't share your information with just anyone), there are certain things that your success coach cannot keep confidential. This means that if you share personal information regarding harassment, assault or thoughts of suicide, the success coach is required to report this to their supervisor.

What if I have more questions?

Contact Landon Crecelius, director of student success, at or 509.777.4973.