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Faculty Handbook 2024


Throughout this handbook, the title "provost" designates the chief academic officer of the university, whatever alternate or additional titles may be attached to the office or person at a given time (e.g., vice president for academic affairs, dean of faculty, etc.). References to "academic affairs" shall be understood to refer to the office of the provost. References to "dean" or "deans" shall be understood to refer to the academic deans in the schools and colleges of the university.

References to "the administration" shall be understood to refer, as appropriate to the circumstances, to the provost acting in consultation with, or under authority delegated by, the president of the university, or the president acting alone or in consultation with others under the powers of the office as delegated by the board of trustees.

"Ex-officio" membership, for purposes of this handbook, implies the right to attend and have a voice in the committee or other body in which one has ex-officio status, but not necessarily the right to vote. Committees or other bodies may choose to extend the right to vote to their ex-officio members, unless non-voting status is specified in the handbook.

Download the Faculty Handbook

Revised by the faculty and administration, approved by the Faculty Assembly, and ratified by the board of trustees in spring 2024.


Appendices are not formally part of the faculty handbook but are binding university policies and procedures that pertain to all faculty.

  • Appendix A
    Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation and Procedures for Investigation and Prevention of Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
    Revised by the faculty and administration, approved by the Faculty Assembly, and ratified by the board of trustees.
  • Appendix B
    Consensual Relations Policy
    Revised by the faculty and administration, approved by the Faculty Assembly, and ratified by the board of trustees.
  • Appendix C
    Faculty Evaluation Forms
    Current versions of the forms may be found online on the campus intranet.
  • Appendix D
    Exceptions to the Terminal Degree Requirements for Teaching Faculty by Discipline 
  • Appendix E
    Voluntary Phased Retirement Program – administrative policy
  • Appendix F
    Intellectual Property Policy
  • Appendix G
    Recording and Livestreaming Policy