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Resources for Teaching

Weyerhaeuser Center for Faith & Learning
The Weyerhaueser Center promotes the integration of faith and learning, by providing resources for faculty to deepen their understanding of Christian faith traditions and how those theologies intersect with the foundational assumptions of their disciplines. The center offers the Vocation of the Christian Professor (VCP) workshop every summer, which is especially useful for new faculty and faculty pre-tenure.
Teaching Roundtables
Several times per semester, faculty gather for a presentation and table discussions on a variety of pedagogical topics, intended to enhance teaching and learning across campus. Lunch is provided by academic affairs. Watch the Academic Affairs Weekly Digest for the announcements of dates and topics. 
Syllabus Elements
A document, updated prior to each semester, that details the required and recommended elements you should include in your course syllabus. It will also help you understand how to list shared curriculum objectives in your syllabi.
Instructional Technology
Provides operational support, installation and maintenance of academic facilities and resources including classroom technology, computer labs, and instructional software and equipment. Instructional design services and training are provided for online and hybrid course development and deployment.

Pirate Pedagogy
Published by our Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Committee, Pirate Pedagogy is a blog space that captures reflections on teaching and learning practices from our faculty.